What do you want from this?
Jun 08, 2023
Something to try...
Keeping it simple this week...
Here's a great question to kickstart almost any meeting or outcome-focused conversation:
"What does each of us want (or looking for) from this conversation today?"
... and 3 reasons why
- So often, people rock up to meetings as passengers. Perhaps they’re unclear as to purpose. Perhaps they’re not sure why they’re needed. Perhaps they don’t even remember accepting an invitation in the first place!
Asking everyone a question like this not only invites them to ’tune in’ to the meeting... it jolts them out of the passive slumber they make have become used to. (It also forces the convenor to get clear on their own purpose.) - Asking others for their objectives is a strong sign of respect. It sends the message, "I value your time, and want to make sure this is a good use of your time - not just mine!"No one wants meetings done ’to’ them.
- The thing I most love about this question is that it helps to enhance the meeting itself. By discovering everyone’s objectives, you can now shape the meeting in a way that makes it valuable for all - not just the person who called it. A great way to build a strong culture of collaboration.
What do you reckon? Useful? Give it a go, let me know.
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